Our health insurance is up for renewal and I am scared. I am at least expecting an increase....and I already pay 18% of my income for health insurance. Looks like some kind of drop in coverage is coming...higher deductibles or higher out-of-pocket limits....whatever it is, there is one thing for sure, it will not be good for my family and will likely just cost me more money that we do not have to spare. Some health care reform...boo.
In November 2012, my wife Melissa was diagnosed with a brain tumor...grade three brain cancer. I started blogging the day we found out...talking about life, cancer, family, and whatever is on my mind.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Another Monday...uh. I never know whether this will be one of those weeks that flies by or one of those weeks that leaves me crawling towards my recliner. I was two years past-due for a vacation when this brain cancer roller coaster started. We are now desperately in need of some quality down-time, yet, Melissa is still not quite there physically to make it worth doing anything...but a little over a month from now, we have plans. They are still developing, involving a great organization 3 Little Birds 4 Life, so as soon as details are finalized, I will be employing every follower of the blog, every friend, every family member to help. Pretty exciting though...I will keep you posted.
Monday, April 29, 2013
I do not want to speak too soon, but it looks like a wish organization is working towards granting a wish for Melissa...a pretty big one. I will, of course, have more information as it develops, but I will need the help and resources of my blog followers to help make this all happen.
So this week, we have to finalize some of the wish plans and make a video to support our wish, as a fundraising tool. I have enlisted the help of a friend for the "production" of the video. This will be my directing debut.
Ya know, I think Sunday's should be 48 hours long. I am just saying...
So this week, we have to finalize some of the wish plans and make a video to support our wish, as a fundraising tool. I have enlisted the help of a friend for the "production" of the video. This will be my directing debut.
Ya know, I think Sunday's should be 48 hours long. I am just saying...
Today was really nice...long, but a nice, family day.
We started by getting up for breakfast at the Yankee Coffee Shop, a must-see staple of Petersburg. I love a nice, well run, small business...they are always the best to deal with. Honestly, if you really want to make a more positive economic impact, you should shop local, small businesses...keep that money close to home, working for you and your neighborhood.
It was gorgeous outside, so me and midget played in the yard for a while. About 5 or so, we packed up the car and headed out to the Keysville Drive-In! What a great, classic, modest drive-in. For under $20 the three of us got to watch 2 movies, Croogs and Olympus Has Fallen...both better than expected. The only drag is the drive home after midnight from Keysville, but all in all, it was well worth it.
We started by getting up for breakfast at the Yankee Coffee Shop, a must-see staple of Petersburg. I love a nice, well run, small business...they are always the best to deal with. Honestly, if you really want to make a more positive economic impact, you should shop local, small businesses...keep that money close to home, working for you and your neighborhood.
It was gorgeous outside, so me and midget played in the yard for a while. About 5 or so, we packed up the car and headed out to the Keysville Drive-In! What a great, classic, modest drive-in. For under $20 the three of us got to watch 2 movies, Croogs and Olympus Has Fallen...both better than expected. The only drag is the drive home after midnight from Keysville, but all in all, it was well worth it.
4/25/2013 & 4/26/2013
This work week played out nice and quiet...much unlike the early part of the week. haha...little man was good at school. Ah....
Melissa is still having trouble sleeping, but does seem to get enough rest to get by, though it may be broke up throughout the day.
Thursday was also the start to the NFL Draft...though the Redskins did not have a first round pick, it is always fun to watch. Friday, though they would have two picks...finally, something football to be excited about!
Melissa is still having trouble sleeping, but does seem to get enough rest to get by, though it may be broke up throughout the day.
Thursday was also the start to the NFL Draft...though the Redskins did not have a first round pick, it is always fun to watch. Friday, though they would have two picks...finally, something football to be excited about!
Friday, April 26, 2013
Little man stayed home today...probably better that way, because I plan on turning his school inside out today. After some thought last night...and drafting the letter, I thought, "They probably hoped I would just take his suspension and be cool with that. Uh...No." I finally get a call from the teacher who witnessed this "violent" act to find out she did not even see it happened, though, my honest son fessed up. Seems like something he should surely be punished for, but not suspended. No one really got hurt...and hell, he is only 5 years old. The call left me charged up....with a nasty letter in hand. After emailing my letter to my contact on the School Board, and bouncing several emails, I set out to hand deliver it to the Principle, talking to the chairman of the School Board on the way. My emails reached the right places, because she was well aware I was coming and was ready. She opened my letter immediately and went to reading....three pages...yep, I tend to elaborate when pissed. Though I did not expect to call her out face to face, I did just that, as she questioned the concerns I addressed in the letter. In a calm, zen-master-like fashion, I let her have it. I starred her in the eye and let her know I was not going to be messed with, that I expect them to do their job, that I thought she was cold-hearted and non-compassionate, and that the entire school needed to learn how to communicate....after which, she repealed the suspension and apologized. "We hope this will not happen again" she said...yeah lady, me too. Damn.
I worked extensively with little man, in hopes of teaching him so that this never happens again. I have a feeling, his biting days are through.
I did feel quite a level of accomplishment....I think men must be challenged like that every once and a while. Good for the blood pressure...well, maybe not THAT, but I have always wanted a reason worth going into those schools and making them do their job, now I am raising that reason.
I worked extensively with little man, in hopes of teaching him so that this never happens again. I have a feeling, his biting days are through.
I did feel quite a level of accomplishment....I think men must be challenged like that every once and a while. Good for the blood pressure...well, maybe not THAT, but I have always wanted a reason worth going into those schools and making them do their job, now I am raising that reason.
Today started like any other Tuesday. Off to school and work, accordingly. After work, though, I would be thrown for a loop. So, when I picked up little man from school, he said. "Dad, there is a letter in there for you." Knowing something transpired Friday, I rushed to see what it was. The letter was suspending him for 2 days for some kind of physical altercation. I say, out loud, in anger, "...and NO ONE CALLED ME?" Nope, no one called, or, for that matter, even made a big deal about it. I was vaguely told of something that happened Friday, not nothing this serious. Besides, he is in Kindergarten. Know, my son's behavior is not always good, but both I and his teachers would tell you that it is better than average. Violence is not something he has a reputation for. When asked about what happened, he told me that the other kid kept hitting him and picking on him and that, eventually, he bit him. Biting is never acceptable, but defending yourself...wow...at 5....well...what do you say? I told him I did not want him to hurt anyone, but to not let anyone hurt him either and to tell the teacher if anyone messes with him. Needless to say, though, I am livid and desperate to find out the facts and why I was not called. So, I decided to attend "Family Fun Night" alone, letter in hand, looking for the person to be-little, nicely, of course. After waiting an hour, I got to meet the lady who was in charge of his suspension. I was given every excuse imaginable for why it was so grossly mishandled and told that for that offense, the book says suspension....and that the school had no funding or resources for any alternative forms of punishment. I expressed my disgust with how untimely it was handled and pressed for the facts...she had none. So, she "handled" things with no facts at all. Nice...so I left that conversation with enough ammo to sink her ship, so to speak. For 5 hours, until almost 1 am, I drafted a letter "word-smithed" to perfection. Tune in to tomorrows post to see how that went.
Another Monday...back to work and school. Looks like Melissa's post treatment scan is set, though the date eludes me. haha....we will not get results until her appointment next month.
I halfway expected the school to call. When I picked up Michael on Friday, the YMCA staff asked if the school called, then mentioned that they definitely would. No call ever came. So I sent Melissa to school with him. His teacher, acting surprised he was there, went the office to check to be sure Michael could go on a field trip. The teacher mentioned an incident Friday where Michael supposedly bit another kid. The other child was one Michael had mentioned the kid kept picking with him and hit him. I assumed, since he was allowed on the trip, it was just "boys being boys" and was no big deal...though, we had some talk about lashing out physically. He is such a gentle, most times, kind child...the entire event was way out of character for him. He has a lot to learn, but never had an issue like this before. I do know that he will not back down if he knows he is right or is picked on...something I dreadfully wished I had when I was growing up.
I halfway expected the school to call. When I picked up Michael on Friday, the YMCA staff asked if the school called, then mentioned that they definitely would. No call ever came. So I sent Melissa to school with him. His teacher, acting surprised he was there, went the office to check to be sure Michael could go on a field trip. The teacher mentioned an incident Friday where Michael supposedly bit another kid. The other child was one Michael had mentioned the kid kept picking with him and hit him. I assumed, since he was allowed on the trip, it was just "boys being boys" and was no big deal...though, we had some talk about lashing out physically. He is such a gentle, most times, kind child...the entire event was way out of character for him. He has a lot to learn, but never had an issue like this before. I do know that he will not back down if he knows he is right or is picked on...something I dreadfully wished I had when I was growing up.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
4/20/2013 & 4/21/2013
Because I am posting this days late, I can say that for me, this weekend was the calm before the storm.
We enjoyed a nice, quiet weekend. Saturday night, a few really great friends got me out of the house. It was the first time since Melissa was found to be sick that I got out of the house. I can tell you, though you may not have been able to look and tell I was having fun, I was...and it was great. I need more of that. I love to go places with Melissa, but I think a regular break for the cancer world has to become part of my routine.
Sunday, I worked on repairing and acquiring/borrowing lawn equipment to get that yard straight. We visited with some friends and enjoyed the fresh cut lawn Sunday. I bet little man had not played outside that much since last summer.
It looks like Melissa may get her "wish"....details coming soon...but here is a hint....cross-country...
Somebody asked me recently, "How have you guys managed to get by?" I answered "Well...not sure...we just did." In fact, we got by only because of great family, friends, and support...literally, without the help we have received, we would be homeless, car-less, and hopeless. Even with all that help and great medical insurance, we are still at least $10K in medical debt. We can barely afford our household expenses, much less medications or unseen expenses...but, somehow, we do. That is one thing I can share with other cancer patients...you will get by. You will not know how....you will not know or be able to thank everyone who helps....you may not know how you will afford tomorrow...but you have to believe you will. Some may say, "Have Faith"....faith in God...faith in humanity...whatever it is that gives you hope. I am not crazy about using the word "Faith"...it feels like to have "faith" in something means to believe in something that may be a "strech" to believe...I think it has to go that step further....really, you have to "Believe". I believe we will get by in the future. Our fundraiser should keep hospital bills from seizing our assets (what little we have)...and by the time the come knocking again, I will hopefully be ending another fundraiser...but the process may take a decade still. That is the real shame of Cancer....besides the chance of loosing a loved one, it financial cripples hard working Americans, whether you make 60K a year or 600K a year...most of us are one medical catastrophe away from financial devastation. Even if you survive cancer, you will carry the debt that comes with it just long as you did the cancer, and in most cases even longer. I am not saying that every person should be free and clear of the financial costs of surviving cancer, but at least they should not be left in an impossible financial situation. Imagine if you were single and this happened to you? Where would you get any income? There are many people in well worse situations than us. You just learn to be thankful for what you do have.
That entire "shpeal" makes me think of how life was before cancer. You middle class American's out there know what I mean...dreading going to work....pissed that you and your wife's income is barley enough to get by...complaining about politics...bitching about having to work 40 hours a week...for those American's, I say, you better be thankful that you are healthy enough to work, that your family is healthy, and that all you are is broke. I would give anything to have those days back.
We enjoyed a nice, quiet weekend. Saturday night, a few really great friends got me out of the house. It was the first time since Melissa was found to be sick that I got out of the house. I can tell you, though you may not have been able to look and tell I was having fun, I was...and it was great. I need more of that. I love to go places with Melissa, but I think a regular break for the cancer world has to become part of my routine.
Sunday, I worked on repairing and acquiring/borrowing lawn equipment to get that yard straight. We visited with some friends and enjoyed the fresh cut lawn Sunday. I bet little man had not played outside that much since last summer.
It looks like Melissa may get her "wish"....details coming soon...but here is a hint....cross-country...
Somebody asked me recently, "How have you guys managed to get by?" I answered "Well...not sure...we just did." In fact, we got by only because of great family, friends, and support...literally, without the help we have received, we would be homeless, car-less, and hopeless. Even with all that help and great medical insurance, we are still at least $10K in medical debt. We can barely afford our household expenses, much less medications or unseen expenses...but, somehow, we do. That is one thing I can share with other cancer patients...you will get by. You will not know how....you will not know or be able to thank everyone who helps....you may not know how you will afford tomorrow...but you have to believe you will. Some may say, "Have Faith"....faith in God...faith in humanity...whatever it is that gives you hope. I am not crazy about using the word "Faith"...it feels like to have "faith" in something means to believe in something that may be a "strech" to believe...I think it has to go that step further....really, you have to "Believe". I believe we will get by in the future. Our fundraiser should keep hospital bills from seizing our assets (what little we have)...and by the time the come knocking again, I will hopefully be ending another fundraiser...but the process may take a decade still. That is the real shame of Cancer....besides the chance of loosing a loved one, it financial cripples hard working Americans, whether you make 60K a year or 600K a year...most of us are one medical catastrophe away from financial devastation. Even if you survive cancer, you will carry the debt that comes with it just long as you did the cancer, and in most cases even longer. I am not saying that every person should be free and clear of the financial costs of surviving cancer, but at least they should not be left in an impossible financial situation. Imagine if you were single and this happened to you? Where would you get any income? There are many people in well worse situations than us. You just learn to be thankful for what you do have.
That entire "shpeal" makes me think of how life was before cancer. You middle class American's out there know what I mean...dreading going to work....pissed that you and your wife's income is barley enough to get by...complaining about politics...bitching about having to work 40 hours a week...for those American's, I say, you better be thankful that you are healthy enough to work, that your family is healthy, and that all you are is broke. I would give anything to have those days back.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Update on the On-Line Fundraiser via GiveForward!
Due to mounting medical bills, I was forced to move the closing date of the fundraiser up to May 3rd, 2013. Please help me push for one last rally! Email your friends, church, family the link below....ask them to help.
I would like to thank all that have helped us with this fundraiser, those who sent gifts and assistance directly to us, and everyone for the well wishes.
Please keep us in your thoughts...we have a long, long battle ahead.
Monday, April 22, 2013
4/16/2013 Through 4/19/2013
For the first time, since starting the blog, I went almost a week without posting an update. Sorry, Readers...I was having a rough week. You did not miss out on much, besides a grumpy blogger. It was a busy at work and the weight of all the things I have to do was wearing on me pretty hard. There is just never enough time in the day. There was also very little to report. We are almost 2 weeks through a 4 week treatment break, which, towards the end of, we may finally get some answers on whether treatment was effective. On top of all that, the dark cloud of medical debt is looming over...it will not be long before they began the assault to collect that will undoubtedly destroy our credit and ruin our finances. Despite having great insurance, even reaching our maximum out-of-pocket expenses, we have around 10K or so in medical debt...with over 200K paid by our health insurance. Though 10K may not sound like a lot, she also can not work, yet I make just a little too much for any type of assistance. I can write and apply for grants for non-profits, but each requires an extensively long form chock-full of personal financial information. It is something I MUST find time for, though, seldom do the grants exceed $500, so we are talking about quite a few applications.
Melissa is eager to get back to work. I was at all not surprised she has a bit of cabin fever...but, what did surprise me is that the cabin fever has not led her to get up and be more active around the house, at least. I do not mean it in a bad way...hell, she has cancer...but still, I would like her see her test her limits at home before trying to work for someone else. She still needs clearance from doctors first. I think she is getting there, though. She got up last Thursday, stayed up the entire day, and tuckered her self out...then slept through the night for the first time in months. I am hoping the warm weather and summer will provide all the motivation one needs to regain some activity.
I have read a lot recently about spouse care-givers and the mental struggles that come with it. The spouse can sometimes set expectations...."If that was me, I would..." Well, it is not me....and who knows how I would react. I try to just make sure she does most of what she is supposed to, treat her as normal as possible, and motivate her gradually. I am pretty sure, though, if it were me with brain cancer, I would NOT have handled this is well as Melissa has. She has been pretty strong through this, which in turn has allowed me to stay even stronger...if the tables were turned, I am afraid I would have turned out to be more of a burden then she has been.
Melissa is eager to get back to work. I was at all not surprised she has a bit of cabin fever...but, what did surprise me is that the cabin fever has not led her to get up and be more active around the house, at least. I do not mean it in a bad way...hell, she has cancer...but still, I would like her see her test her limits at home before trying to work for someone else. She still needs clearance from doctors first. I think she is getting there, though. She got up last Thursday, stayed up the entire day, and tuckered her self out...then slept through the night for the first time in months. I am hoping the warm weather and summer will provide all the motivation one needs to regain some activity.
I have read a lot recently about spouse care-givers and the mental struggles that come with it. The spouse can sometimes set expectations...."If that was me, I would..." Well, it is not me....and who knows how I would react. I try to just make sure she does most of what she is supposed to, treat her as normal as possible, and motivate her gradually. I am pretty sure, though, if it were me with brain cancer, I would NOT have handled this is well as Melissa has. She has been pretty strong through this, which in turn has allowed me to stay even stronger...if the tables were turned, I am afraid I would have turned out to be more of a burden then she has been.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
I was kind of sad to have to check out of the Jefferson after one night. I did get to meet the manager and shake his hand for the 1st call accommodations. What a nice guy.
Melissa had a doctors appointment today....it put in motion something that we have all been waiting for...did the radiation work? He scheduled an MRI for the coming weeks...and in about a month, we should have some idea of how effective treatment was and the overall outlook of this thing. I know Melissa is tired....and I would be lying if I said I was not tired as well.
Melissa had a doctors appointment today....it put in motion something that we have all been waiting for...did the radiation work? He scheduled an MRI for the coming weeks...and in about a month, we should have some idea of how effective treatment was and the overall outlook of this thing. I know Melissa is tired....and I would be lying if I said I was not tired as well.
4/14/2013 - The OTHER Surprise...
In case you were wondering, yes, I love surprises. So, today started like any other Sunday morning. Me and little man were up early, Melissa was trying to sleep in some. Later on, little man left to spend the day with his grandma and papa. I hurry to do some laundry for our overnight excursion.
About a week ago, I emailed the Jefferson Hotel, in hopes that they might be touched by our story enough to invite us for our Anniversary. The Hotel manager messaged me back, within a day, gladly helping me surprise Melissa, at no cost to us. At this point, she is still unaware of where we are going. The morning led into the afternoon, as we waited for laundry. Even when that was done, Melissa still was not motivated and just didn't feel well. Despite that, though, she eventually dragged herself together. After we left, she found out that we were going to the Jefferson.
We arrived to a busy registration area....that awkward moment when a beat up Hyundai pulls up to a 5 star motel with Lexus', BMW's, and Caddy's all around. First time the Hyundai has seen Valet action. Large fountain drinks and luggage in hand, we strolled into the amazing lobby.
I thought, "WOW, we are out of our element." I said to Melissa, "Probably shouldn't have these soda's in here." haha....acting as if I was on my mother's living room rug.
Upon check in, the desk clerk says, "I am not going to tell you the kind of room you have...I will let you be surprised." Before that, all I expected was a basic room....obviously we had quite an upgrade I was unaware of.
Suite? Oh boy....
I open the door to this...
I was beside myself. Melissa....she is so hard to read.
The Jefferson was first class...all the way. The support staff and accommodations are amazing. Even the bottled water was fancy. I had never stayed in a place that nice. Many Presidents...hell, even the ROLLING STONES rented that room!
We went to dinner at the Capital Ale House (compliments of some good friends).
We had a good night, though, I could tell she did not feel well. I did manage to get her swimming for a bit in the indoor pool, after which, she wanted to nap.
I wondered around the hotel...alone. I sat at the bar for a drink...alone. I was almost desperate for someone to be excited with. I should have brought little man with us. Later on, I actually got a little upset that she was not more excited...she was not interested much in seeing the hotel. Her reactions seemed to me like we might as well had been staying at a Ho-Jo's....though she assured me she was having fun. I guess I had some cooked up expectations of what a person who has NOT been through hell would act. As you can tell, since this all began, I work my ass off all the time to try to put a smile on her face...an uphill battle, at best, and sometimes, just an impossible task.
We arrived to a busy registration area....that awkward moment when a beat up Hyundai pulls up to a 5 star motel with Lexus', BMW's, and Caddy's all around. First time the Hyundai has seen Valet action. Large fountain drinks and luggage in hand, we strolled into the amazing lobby.
I thought, "WOW, we are out of our element." I said to Melissa, "Probably shouldn't have these soda's in here." haha....acting as if I was on my mother's living room rug.
Upon check in, the desk clerk says, "I am not going to tell you the kind of room you have...I will let you be surprised." Before that, all I expected was a basic room....obviously we had quite an upgrade I was unaware of.
Suite? Oh boy....
I open the door to this...
I was beside myself. Melissa....she is so hard to read.
The Jefferson was first class...all the way. The support staff and accommodations are amazing. Even the bottled water was fancy. I had never stayed in a place that nice. Many Presidents...hell, even the ROLLING STONES rented that room!
We went to dinner at the Capital Ale House (compliments of some good friends).
We had a good night, though, I could tell she did not feel well. I did manage to get her swimming for a bit in the indoor pool, after which, she wanted to nap.
I wondered around the hotel...alone. I sat at the bar for a drink...alone. I was almost desperate for someone to be excited with. I should have brought little man with us. Later on, I actually got a little upset that she was not more excited...she was not interested much in seeing the hotel. Her reactions seemed to me like we might as well had been staying at a Ho-Jo's....though she assured me she was having fun. I guess I had some cooked up expectations of what a person who has NOT been through hell would act. As you can tell, since this all began, I work my ass off all the time to try to put a smile on her face...an uphill battle, at best, and sometimes, just an impossible task.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
4/12/2013 & 4/13/2013
Fridays are special days for me. The end of the work week also spells a much needed break from the grind...though, weekends are how I catch up on the house and such, it is just nice to have some time at home. Weekdays are so hectic...run, run, run...and that is without doctors appointments and such. This weekend, though, is special. Saturday is Melissa and I's 11th Wedding Anniversary. Saturday will be a rest day for her and a catch-up day for me, but Sunday I have a big surprise planned.
Friday also marks me and little man's weekly trip to Game Stop. He was pretty good this week, so we went. It sounds like an expensive trip, but we always buy used games. Sometimes we trade a few in also, which most times helps it cost under $5 a trip. He loves it, too, and works hard (most weeks) to make sure he does well enough in school to go. I can not lie, though, I also love video games. Lately, after little man is in bed and the house settle down, I settle in to some Tiger Woods 2014. I love golf, but I am afraid when I go out to play, it does not love me back much, but the video game...I excel...it loves me.
Melissa was not feeling good today. At best, she maybe sleeps 2 or 3 hours at a time. The roller coaster of one minute feeling normal and the next being drained and exhausted...most the time, staying exhausted. Now that the radiation is done, I hope she gets up and is a bit more active. I think it would help her sleep better and improve her overall health. She has mentioned wanting to get a small part-time job, but I have not seen her on her feet for more than a couple hours since her surgery. I think she needs to be a bit more active to get back to working. Doctors still have not directly cleared her to work, anyway.
So today was just me and midget. We did some yard-sale'ing and cruising around in the country. Later we both did some picking up around the house. I had to do some laundry for my big surprise overnight'er with Melissa. She does not seem to be very excited....though, she knows little about what we are doing. I suppose it is hard to get excited when you feel like crap.
I was thinking, today, that I have not cooked a good meal in quite a while. I am always an hour behind come dinner time....not to mention I flipping HATE doing dishes (though, lately I seem to be the only one who will do them). I feel like I have to get back to cooking, despite the dishes. So, tonight, I whipped up some French Toast, something I do very well. Even our dog April knows when I am cooking French Toast. Chili is on the horizon.
Fridays are special days for me. The end of the work week also spells a much needed break from the grind...though, weekends are how I catch up on the house and such, it is just nice to have some time at home. Weekdays are so hectic...run, run, run...and that is without doctors appointments and such. This weekend, though, is special. Saturday is Melissa and I's 11th Wedding Anniversary. Saturday will be a rest day for her and a catch-up day for me, but Sunday I have a big surprise planned.
Friday also marks me and little man's weekly trip to Game Stop. He was pretty good this week, so we went. It sounds like an expensive trip, but we always buy used games. Sometimes we trade a few in also, which most times helps it cost under $5 a trip. He loves it, too, and works hard (most weeks) to make sure he does well enough in school to go. I can not lie, though, I also love video games. Lately, after little man is in bed and the house settle down, I settle in to some Tiger Woods 2014. I love golf, but I am afraid when I go out to play, it does not love me back much, but the video game...I excel...it loves me.
Melissa was not feeling good today. At best, she maybe sleeps 2 or 3 hours at a time. The roller coaster of one minute feeling normal and the next being drained and exhausted...most the time, staying exhausted. Now that the radiation is done, I hope she gets up and is a bit more active. I think it would help her sleep better and improve her overall health. She has mentioned wanting to get a small part-time job, but I have not seen her on her feet for more than a couple hours since her surgery. I think she needs to be a bit more active to get back to working. Doctors still have not directly cleared her to work, anyway.
So today was just me and midget. We did some yard-sale'ing and cruising around in the country. Later we both did some picking up around the house. I had to do some laundry for my big surprise overnight'er with Melissa. She does not seem to be very excited....though, she knows little about what we are doing. I suppose it is hard to get excited when you feel like crap.
I was thinking, today, that I have not cooked a good meal in quite a while. I am always an hour behind come dinner time....not to mention I flipping HATE doing dishes (though, lately I seem to be the only one who will do them). I feel like I have to get back to cooking, despite the dishes. So, tonight, I whipped up some French Toast, something I do very well. Even our dog April knows when I am cooking French Toast. Chili is on the horizon.
Friday, April 12, 2013
We found out that Melissa was approved for SSD benefits, but that the starting date and waiting period put us 2 months away from any income from that. Those dates being adjusted also mean much of the medical debt is ours to pay. Needless to say, we are scrambling to keep our house now. I will likely have a car for sale soon. I will have to plan several fundraiser yard sales. The online fundraiser's end date will have to be moved up. These next couple months will be a true test of will power, planning, and our support systems. There is no doubt, we will need help to get through. So many have already helped so much...it just sucks to still be sinking...but that is part of Cancer, too. Just have to roll with the punches...
Here is the link to the fundraiser. Please share it, Tweet it, Email it....let's have one final rally....as I will be forced by need to close it soon.
Story time....
A recent movie remake gave me a flashback. I can remember my parents, when I was pretty young (8 or 9), taking us out the the drive-in movies out on Rt 460....The Evil Dead....a classic. I love that movie and can not wait to find someone brave enough to come with me to see the new one. My parents did a great job exposing us to some cool stuff. I remember one Christmas, my dad, I am sorry "Santa", got me some cassette tapes (the same Christmas I got a nice Walkman). I asked him, "Who are Guns and Roses?" I remember being pissed off about it...at that time, Lord knows what I was listening too, probably MC Hammer or something equally as stupid. Lies and Appetite for Destruction...two of the best albums every recorded, in my eyes. .I had no idea, until much later in life, just how cool that was....not to mention, how far behind everyone else I would have been had I had to discover G'n'R on my own. They tried with Bluegrass too....Seldom Scene, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Old and In the Way....I hated it when I was young....now, I love it and plan on torturing my child with it as well. haha....
Thursday, April 11, 2013
So, unknowingly, it seems I may have set the bar quite high for this weekend's 11th Wedding Anniversary (April 13th). Just after the dust settled from the Limo excursion, Melissa said, "So, what do you have planned for our Anniversary?" Great question...oh boy. At least a good friend of mine, who happens to share the same anniversary day, is as well planned as I am. Got to get to work on that....
Looks like some of the National early morning news picked up the story. Who knows who was watching. Pretty cool.
Today we found out when Melissa will start SSD benefits....and I can tell you, the 5 month waiting period is going to be a nightmare. We have been blessed to get so many gifts and help already....muscling up to cover these last couple months before she gets income is going to be really tough....but you get by, right? I said that before on the blog...my words....live by them, right?
Ever seen a radiation mask before?
X marks the spot!
Looks like some of the National early morning news picked up the story. Who knows who was watching. Pretty cool.
Today we found out when Melissa will start SSD benefits....and I can tell you, the 5 month waiting period is going to be a nightmare. We have been blessed to get so many gifts and help already....muscling up to cover these last couple months before she gets income is going to be really tough....but you get by, right? I said that before on the blog...my words....live by them, right?
Ever seen a radiation mask before?
X marks the spot!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
4/8/2013, 4/9/2013 The surprise...
Monday, the day before the last treatment. Melissa is pretty tired. That walking in Virginia Beach wore her out. Today, I work out the kinks in my big plan. Because I am posting this after-the-fact, I can share some of the details that went into planning. So, I really has this all set up for last week, when her schedule was extended....but both Laura Geller (NBC12) and Brockwell Limousine were very cooperative. Today, I talked to both Laura Geller and Brockwell Limousine to confirm plans. Talked to Melissa's best friend to make sure she was coming, though later, I spilled the beans on her coming for the bell ringing, quickly follower by her re-convincing Melissa that she was in-fact NOT coming (though, she definitely was coming for the Limo ride).
I have never truly planned a successful surprise for Melissa. This was not due to a lack of trying. I tried...she is good. When not distracted by medications, cancer, and all that, she usually catches on that something is up. Just last week, she said, "I kind of want to make a big deal out of the bell ringing" (the bell ringing ceremony signifies the end of treatment and getting on with life). Be careful what you wish for...
Today started like any other work day for me....but it will be far from it. Today, my wife finishes radiation. We will not know for weeks whether she is out of the woods or not. Doctors say that this kind of brain cancer you don't cure, you learn to live with. Brain cancer has you constantly waiting...waiting for more treatment....more doctors appointments....more scans....more tests.....often leaving you with far more unanswered questions than answers. It is hard to "get on with life" constantly not knowing....but you just do. What choice do you have?
So, after a few hours at work, I headed home to help orchestrate my surprise. Then...I get a text from Laura Geller about filming in my living room....uh oh. See, cancer not only wrecks your finances, it gets up in the middle of the night, dirties dishes, spreads dog hair, and scatters toys about....oh wait, that's actually our fault (and the dogs)....haha....so I rushed, cleaned and got things ready just in time. Melissa's best friend arrived shortly afterwards to help as well. Then I rushed off to get Michael from school. When he walked in with me, Melissa knew something is up.
The news interview went very well. I chose Laura Geller to approach with our story, just knowing she would find the right angle to tell our story. I did an amazing job not talking over Melissa and letting her answer the questions. Melissa was kind of shocked about that. See folks, I do have self control. After the indoor interview, she wanted to tape outside (our cover for the Limo surprise)....I knew Melissa would not scream or cry (even warning the news that she would not be one of those crazy screaming happy people). Her initial reaction was as expected but she did seem more excited than I expected. Turns out, this was her first Limousine ride. Oh, that's a couple extra brownie points for me. The ride was cool, made even better by having a few of our favorite people along for the ride. After her treatment, we all got to come back to witness the bell ringing. It was nice...she cried. One nurse said, "We are going to miss you grumpy face around here." haha...I bet. She did not shy away from speaking her mind....think our Neurosurgeon took her governor out. After a nice ride home, we went to celebrate at Longstreet's. I took a detour to post pictures and email some pictures to Laura Geller...technically, my photo-journalistic works were publish on television....can I add that to my resume? Needless to say, my surprise worked out very well.
Here is link to the story!
Special thanks to Brockwell Limousine....those guys are class acts. Provided it free of charge today. If you know anyone with cancer in treatment, tell them about what they did for us....they would do it for them too. Also, please tell your friends and family to use them if they ever need Limo services. The also do group trips and have a larger van for those.
Special thanks to Laura Geller for doing a great job capturing this special day.
Monday, the day before the last treatment. Melissa is pretty tired. That walking in Virginia Beach wore her out. Today, I work out the kinks in my big plan. Because I am posting this after-the-fact, I can share some of the details that went into planning. So, I really has this all set up for last week, when her schedule was extended....but both Laura Geller (NBC12) and Brockwell Limousine were very cooperative. Today, I talked to both Laura Geller and Brockwell Limousine to confirm plans. Talked to Melissa's best friend to make sure she was coming, though later, I spilled the beans on her coming for the bell ringing, quickly follower by her re-convincing Melissa that she was in-fact NOT coming (though, she definitely was coming for the Limo ride).
I have never truly planned a successful surprise for Melissa. This was not due to a lack of trying. I tried...she is good. When not distracted by medications, cancer, and all that, she usually catches on that something is up. Just last week, she said, "I kind of want to make a big deal out of the bell ringing" (the bell ringing ceremony signifies the end of treatment and getting on with life). Be careful what you wish for...
Today started like any other work day for me....but it will be far from it. Today, my wife finishes radiation. We will not know for weeks whether she is out of the woods or not. Doctors say that this kind of brain cancer you don't cure, you learn to live with. Brain cancer has you constantly waiting...waiting for more treatment....more doctors appointments....more scans....more tests.....often leaving you with far more unanswered questions than answers. It is hard to "get on with life" constantly not knowing....but you just do. What choice do you have?
So, after a few hours at work, I headed home to help orchestrate my surprise. Then...I get a text from Laura Geller about filming in my living room....uh oh. See, cancer not only wrecks your finances, it gets up in the middle of the night, dirties dishes, spreads dog hair, and scatters toys about....oh wait, that's actually our fault (and the dogs)....haha....so I rushed, cleaned and got things ready just in time. Melissa's best friend arrived shortly afterwards to help as well. Then I rushed off to get Michael from school. When he walked in with me, Melissa knew something is up.
The news interview went very well. I chose Laura Geller to approach with our story, just knowing she would find the right angle to tell our story. I did an amazing job not talking over Melissa and letting her answer the questions. Melissa was kind of shocked about that. See folks, I do have self control. After the indoor interview, she wanted to tape outside (our cover for the Limo surprise)....I knew Melissa would not scream or cry (even warning the news that she would not be one of those crazy screaming happy people). Her initial reaction was as expected but she did seem more excited than I expected. Turns out, this was her first Limousine ride. Oh, that's a couple extra brownie points for me. The ride was cool, made even better by having a few of our favorite people along for the ride. After her treatment, we all got to come back to witness the bell ringing. It was nice...she cried. One nurse said, "We are going to miss you grumpy face around here." haha...I bet. She did not shy away from speaking her mind....think our Neurosurgeon took her governor out. After a nice ride home, we went to celebrate at Longstreet's. I took a detour to post pictures and email some pictures to Laura Geller...technically, my photo-journalistic works were publish on television....can I add that to my resume? Needless to say, my surprise worked out very well.
Here is link to the story!
Special thanks to Brockwell Limousine....those guys are class acts. Provided it free of charge today. If you know anyone with cancer in treatment, tell them about what they did for us....they would do it for them too. Also, please tell your friends and family to use them if they ever need Limo services. The also do group trips and have a larger van for those.
Special thanks to Laura Geller for doing a great job capturing this special day.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Another Blog Worth a Follow....
I have mentioned this blog before, but the Liz Army blog is so good. Liz is like a superstar cancer warrior...an inspiring story that is still being written. This post hits SO close to home.
Like her, my blog and followers are my support group.
Thank you for following my blog....it just would not be as fun without dedicated followers.
Like her, my blog and followers are my support group.
Thank you for following my blog....it just would not be as fun without dedicated followers.
4/6/2013 and 4/7/2013 - Virginia Beach
For a couple of weeks now, we have really needed to get away. Seems like I am always in a constant battle of "Can we afford to?" and "Can we afford NOT to?" in my own mind...this was a trip that was probably 60% need, 40% want...but I found a good deal on a nice place, so we got up, packed the car, and rode down to Virginia Beach for the day. I booked us at the Oceanside Inn. This was actually a pretty nice place....little aggressive about the "NO SMOKING" policy, but pretty nice inside. You could tell, at one time, this was a very smoking friendly place but times change....free Americans become Socialists, but I will save that for my other soap box. I chose this place for not only it's more affordable rates, but the indoor heated pool. It was still a bit cold for walking the beach, so the pool paid off. I took midget for a nice swim, after which, we cleaned up and went out to diner. The Beach Pub was the researched choice for diner (featured on Drive-In's Diners and Dives). This was a dive, but full of character and pretty good food for a fair price.
This morning, we ate at the hotel restaurant, which was good but way, way expensive. Turns out the advertisements on the elevator for a $5 breakfast were only available through the front desk, so our breakfast cost about as much as diner the night before (bacon and eggs for the same price as steak and shrimp)....I was kind of pissed, but canned it well and enjoyed my breakfast. So our plan was to walk down Atlantic to an arcade we spotted the day before. It was a bit more of a walk than Melissa had undertaken in a while. She did well, though, and made the trip...and the arcade was epic. I had many a flashbacks to the old Aladdin's Castle days at Walnut Mall in Petersburg. Arcades are a dying breed these days. The walk back required us to take a nice midway break...and lucked upon a nice NY Pizza/Italian joint...after which we strolled back to the car. Took little man to the water's edge. Of course, he got drenched in cold, cold water, but insisted he was ok. haha....love that little guy.
Here are a few pictures...
Family Deals? Really? Is this a thing now? ...and no, we passed up on this family offer....along with passing on the body jewelry and Hookah Starter Package.
He loved that heated pool. Bit more chlorine then I care for, but we had fun!
This Neptune statue is cool. Huge too....we may even come back for the Neptune festival, depending on if our tax money clears in time.
For a couple of weeks now, we have really needed to get away. Seems like I am always in a constant battle of "Can we afford to?" and "Can we afford NOT to?" in my own mind...this was a trip that was probably 60% need, 40% want...but I found a good deal on a nice place, so we got up, packed the car, and rode down to Virginia Beach for the day. I booked us at the Oceanside Inn. This was actually a pretty nice place....little aggressive about the "NO SMOKING" policy, but pretty nice inside. You could tell, at one time, this was a very smoking friendly place but times change....free Americans become Socialists, but I will save that for my other soap box. I chose this place for not only it's more affordable rates, but the indoor heated pool. It was still a bit cold for walking the beach, so the pool paid off. I took midget for a nice swim, after which, we cleaned up and went out to diner. The Beach Pub was the researched choice for diner (featured on Drive-In's Diners and Dives). This was a dive, but full of character and pretty good food for a fair price.
This morning, we ate at the hotel restaurant, which was good but way, way expensive. Turns out the advertisements on the elevator for a $5 breakfast were only available through the front desk, so our breakfast cost about as much as diner the night before (bacon and eggs for the same price as steak and shrimp)....I was kind of pissed, but canned it well and enjoyed my breakfast. So our plan was to walk down Atlantic to an arcade we spotted the day before. It was a bit more of a walk than Melissa had undertaken in a while. She did well, though, and made the trip...and the arcade was epic. I had many a flashbacks to the old Aladdin's Castle days at Walnut Mall in Petersburg. Arcades are a dying breed these days. The walk back required us to take a nice midway break...and lucked upon a nice NY Pizza/Italian joint...after which we strolled back to the car. Took little man to the water's edge. Of course, he got drenched in cold, cold water, but insisted he was ok. haha....love that little guy.
Here are a few pictures...
Family Deals? Really? Is this a thing now? ...and no, we passed up on this family offer....along with passing on the body jewelry and Hookah Starter Package.
He loved that heated pool. Bit more chlorine then I care for, but we had fun!
This Neptune statue is cool. Huge too....we may even come back for the Neptune festival, depending on if our tax money clears in time.
4/4/2013 and 4/5/2013
The countdown to the end of radiation continues. Melissa was energetic today. Her right eye has bothered her some. Her hands still tremble at times...but besides that, she seems to feel better than ever. I think this weekend we will take a day trip...test out her ability to get out there and have some fun.
Oh, how important those little feet are. Let me explain....today I decided to clean behind my work monitor and keyboard. In doing so, I had to pick up my monitor. Didn't know the entire base just comes off the thing...thus, I drop my monitor on my keyboard, destroying the little feet that boost the elevation of my keyboard. So since, I have been trying to compensate by moving my monitor up and using the base of it to keep my keyboard up....needless to say, it sucks. We are getting some new computers soon....just have to tough it out.
Friday is not the 2nd most anticipated day of the week....closely followed by Saturday. I don't want it to sound as if I hate my job....much the contrary, actually...it is just, I like having time to make my wife's day a bit brighter...motivate her...spend quality time with midget...not to mention, the house always seems to be in a bit of a wreck, one room or another. Oh...and there has to be some time left over for me. Lately, I have been staying up late, just to have some quiet time....Madden, Tiger Woods, bad reality TV....me time.
I really worry, sometimes, that I may make Melissa sound lazy or negligent...that is not the case. I have never witnessed someone go through so much in such a short time, much less that person being the woman I love. She is not lazy....she is more or less preoccupied battling brain cancer and the side effects of countless medications. Lately, she has really perked up...and you have no idea how much that pleases me. I allow her to do (or not do) whatever makes her feel better. Don't be jealous.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
A couple of days ago, my dad showed me a new "piece", as pickers call them, he found. It was some kind of four-barreled cast-iron booby trap, of sorts...had to be 1850's-1860's. Anyway...on a whim, and in response to an advertisement for being on the show, I contact the producers of Pawn Stars...who then quickly replied. We have exchanged several emails about the item. Though I have not heard back yet, I would have to think that gives me a shot at being on the show. Problem...finding the time and money to go to Vegas. haha...well, who knows....you never catch a big fish without casting out a line...unless you are noodling or spearing....ok...you get the idea.
I also sent on some preliminary emails on getting media access for the upcoming Redskins Training Camp in Richmond....as most of you know, I run a popular Redskins blog too....wish me luck!
Enough about me...Melissa is doing great. Seems to mysteriously have a bit more energy...maybe a a little sleep is occurring at night after all. Besides that, she is doing well and still counting the minutes until Tuesday's last treatment.
Also, because I gave the wrong info like 3 times, her last day is in fact the 9th of April...this coming Tuesday.
I also sent on some preliminary emails on getting media access for the upcoming Redskins Training Camp in Richmond....as most of you know, I run a popular Redskins blog too....wish me luck!
Enough about me...Melissa is doing great. Seems to mysteriously have a bit more energy...maybe a a little sleep is occurring at night after all. Besides that, she is doing well and still counting the minutes until Tuesday's last treatment.
Also, because I gave the wrong info like 3 times, her last day is in fact the 9th of April...this coming Tuesday.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
A Twitter account I follow ( @IHadCancer ) asked a very good question to it's followers today...
What has Cancer taught you?
If I had to choose one thing I have learned, or perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is...
There are some things in life that you just can never truly be prepared for...but, some how, you get by. At times, things are so flustered and jumbled that you may not know how, but you get by. It may take the help of every friend, family member, and even some complete strangers....but you get by.
I have to admit, I have learned much more than just that, though....I am now a novice neurologist. I understand blood work, many medications (and the related side effects), oh...and that cancer sucks.
Tonight was date night. I was not sure if she would feel up to it, but when I got home, she was showered and ready to go out. K&L BBQ (in Hopewell, VA) was the restaurant of choice. Best deal around for a wide spread of food. It was quite pleasant...and yes, we ate way too much. After that we wondered to our favorite spot in Old Towne Petersburg...Longstreet's. We just do not get out much anymore. It is hard to find the time, much less the money, to go out much anymore. Seems I always have more pressing issues at home. Those couple drinks last night reminded me....we need to get out more.
What has Cancer taught you?
If I had to choose one thing I have learned, or perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is...
There are some things in life that you just can never truly be prepared for...but, some how, you get by. At times, things are so flustered and jumbled that you may not know how, but you get by. It may take the help of every friend, family member, and even some complete strangers....but you get by.
I have to admit, I have learned much more than just that, though....I am now a novice neurologist. I understand blood work, many medications (and the related side effects), oh...and that cancer sucks.
Tonight was date night. I was not sure if she would feel up to it, but when I got home, she was showered and ready to go out. K&L BBQ (in Hopewell, VA) was the restaurant of choice. Best deal around for a wide spread of food. It was quite pleasant...and yes, we ate way too much. After that we wondered to our favorite spot in Old Towne Petersburg...Longstreet's. We just do not get out much anymore. It is hard to find the time, much less the money, to go out much anymore. Seems I always have more pressing issues at home. Those couple drinks last night reminded me....we need to get out more.
No April Fools jokes for this joker today. Little man is on Spring Break this week. The YMCA's Spring Break program has him staying pretty busy while I work.
Melissa found out today that her last day is in fact the 9th, NOT the 11th I reported to you last week. Sooner is always better. They did some kind of CT scan today to....hope to hear something on those results in the coming days.
Melissa found out today that her last day is in fact the 9th, NOT the 11th I reported to you last week. Sooner is always better. They did some kind of CT scan today to....hope to hear something on those results in the coming days.
Monday, April 1, 2013
3/31/2013 - Easter!
Happy Easter everyone!
Like Christmas morning, I was awakened by a very stealthy 5 year old around 6 something (it was too early to focus on the clock)...he said "Dad....psst....Dad....the Easter Bunny came." Begrudgingly, I got up and went into the living room. He did have a decent spread, though, it is so easy to please the little ones. He is a awful gracious kid, though....I have a pretty good feeling that regardless of how plentiful holidays are in the future, he will be happy. This year, the highlight seemed to be the fake mustaches.
Like Christmas morning, I was awakened by a very stealthy 5 year old around 6 something (it was too early to focus on the clock)...he said "Dad....psst....Dad....the Easter Bunny came." Begrudgingly, I got up and went into the living room. He did have a decent spread, though, it is so easy to please the little ones. He is a awful gracious kid, though....I have a pretty good feeling that regardless of how plentiful holidays are in the future, he will be happy. This year, the highlight seemed to be the fake mustaches.
Such a ham....he insisted on wearing it to 7-11...they got quite a kick out of it.
On the way home, he asked if my uncle was coming for East dinner at my parents. Not knowing, I said, "Maybe"...by which he replied, "Yes! He is so tall, like a giant. He has a mustache." Kids...
We had a nice simple dinner at my parents, followed by a short, but fun egg hunt....
Melissa was worn out, by the end of the day....but here is a pick of her with her hawk spiked, scar showing....
I had high hopes of getting out of the house early today...but both me and little man where not moving too quick this morning. Eventually we left out, in seek of a hair cut. This is always a crap shoot. I never have quite a plan where to go and almost everyone who cuts his hair is equally as puzzled as to what to do with it....on the advice of my 5 year old (who really did not want his hair all cut off), I took him to the mall to a place Melissa would go. There, a nice lady untangled his hair and trimmed/shape it some. Really, it did not look much different, thus, no before/after photos to speak of....though tomorrows post will have some for sure. Honestly, though it was only $10, I ended up touching it up at home....but with a little curly-hair product, he is handsome.
After the mall, which was a mad house, we ventured over to a new restaurant, the Tilted Kilt. Ok....probably not the most "family friendly" of places, though I had heard they reeled back the skimpy uniforms some at this location....we could not tell. Little man had fun...probably never acted better in a restaurant. Maybe he or I was just distracted...haha...who knows? Food was good.
It was nice to get out of the house some. I suppose this thing is starting to take some tole on me, as well. I have a lot more head-aches now. Battling heartburn more lately. I suppose it is mostly stress. I could use a few worry-free days in the sun....suppose we all could, though.
After the mall, which was a mad house, we ventured over to a new restaurant, the Tilted Kilt. Ok....probably not the most "family friendly" of places, though I had heard they reeled back the skimpy uniforms some at this location....we could not tell. Little man had fun...probably never acted better in a restaurant. Maybe he or I was just distracted...haha...who knows? Food was good.
It was nice to get out of the house some. I suppose this thing is starting to take some tole on me, as well. I have a lot more head-aches now. Battling heartburn more lately. I suppose it is mostly stress. I could use a few worry-free days in the sun....suppose we all could, though.
This was yet another well anticipated Friday. Not sure if I mentioned this on the blog before, but Melissa's last day of treatments has changed. Unknowingly to us, her doctor add 6 additional "boost" treatments to her radiation schedule. Not sure why or for what reason, but I would assume because she has handled it well so far, they are ending with a "bang", so to speak. Her last days is now the 11th of this month.
Melissa has had some trembling issues with her hands. I doubt this is a neurological side effect. It is most likely a side effect of the piles of medications she is required to take. It certainly deserves paying some attention to it.
So, I am know learning more about insurance, than ever before. It turns out, when your insurance has a "Max Out-Of-Pocket", you must read the fine, fine print. It seems we have reached ours, for this year already, and for the first time I am finding out that it only applies to doctors visit co-pays and surgical/hospital co-pays only. It does not cover ER visit co-pays or medicine co-pays. So far, I have yet to send a payment...but that time has come. Monday some of the first payments will go out. I felt like even though it is more than we could ever afford to pay, even over a couple years, making some effort is the right thing to do.
Melissa has prepared for Easter like crazy...though, I have not had to worry one bit about it....so it has been very nice.
I am taking midget for a hair cut tomorrow. I never know where I am going to take him or what to do with that wig...this should be fun.
Melissa has had some trembling issues with her hands. I doubt this is a neurological side effect. It is most likely a side effect of the piles of medications she is required to take. It certainly deserves paying some attention to it.
So, I am know learning more about insurance, than ever before. It turns out, when your insurance has a "Max Out-Of-Pocket", you must read the fine, fine print. It seems we have reached ours, for this year already, and for the first time I am finding out that it only applies to doctors visit co-pays and surgical/hospital co-pays only. It does not cover ER visit co-pays or medicine co-pays. So far, I have yet to send a payment...but that time has come. Monday some of the first payments will go out. I felt like even though it is more than we could ever afford to pay, even over a couple years, making some effort is the right thing to do.
Melissa has prepared for Easter like crazy...though, I have not had to worry one bit about it....so it has been very nice.
I am taking midget for a hair cut tomorrow. I never know where I am going to take him or what to do with that wig...this should be fun.
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