I want to thank everyone who donated to the GoFundMe my friend started or who sent direct donations. I can't even explain to you how much it means. I hate that we are even in this position and anyone who knows me knows I am usually the "helper" and am not good as asking for help. It came in at just the nick of time. I also want to thank our volunteer helper, April. She has been amazing and I appreciate her more then I can express in words.
Things are progressing, I suppose. She is sleeping more and when she is up, her care is a lot and she is stubborn as a mule. They brought in her hospital bed this week.
Anyone who cares to visit, should make plans to do so soon. If not, no worries. She tells lavish tall-tales and stories including most of you guys all the time. Most of you guys have visited her in her mind just about every day.