Monday, November 25, 2013

Christmas and Cancer

Last Christmas I couldn't tell you up from down.  The onslaught of Cancer came in like a tsunami.  I was so overwhelmed.

The last year has been the hardest struggle of my life...Melissa's too, I am sure.  Unfortunately, it is not the kind of struggle that you get through quickly.  It has been hard to balance losing income and gaining massive medical bills. 

As you can imagine, I want this Christmas to be pretty special.  I am sure, regardless of the amount of presents under the tree, this year will be a major improvement over last year, but at the same time, financially, this year will be a world class juggling act.

I had a crazy idea, though...may not happen this year, but before he gets much bigger, I want to take Michael to Disney and Universal Studios in FL.  I have some family there too.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Proofreading...on a BLOG? Hahaha!

No...I am no the best proofreader.

Yes...I do actually proofread my posts.

No...I usually never find all of the mistakes.

My wife kindly reminded me, recently, of my many, many grammatical errors.  I was sure they happened, but most my feedback had nothing to do with the technical nature of blogging.  Unlike most, I do not mind input that helps me improve me writing...especially that of my loving wife...after all, she is the reason I started blogging.

I do love blogging.  It not only suites a great purpose of informing friends and family throughout our crisis and life, but it give me a record of things, a much needed place to vent creatively, and may even be something I would love to do for a living some day.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Another Clean MRI!!!

Melissa got the results of another clean MRI today!

Every MRI kind of sneaks up on you.  You almost forget about it...then they call and schedule the scan.  We try not to think about it...but you almost hold your breath after every scan until you get the results.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Update - 11/13/2013

Wow, time flies fast this time of year!  It has been a while since I posted, but my last post did promise Halloween pictures.  Funny story...

So, Halloween was on a Thursday this year.  Weekday afternoons, at my house, are crazy on a normal night.  I was stuck at work until after 5, then rushed how to throw together dinner.  We had Trick-or-Treaters before dinner was even done cooking.  Needless to say, we were running behind.  After dinner, it took every adult in the house almost an hour to find his costume, which someone place on top of the entertainment center (yep, was not me).  Running late, we rushed to get his costume and makeup done and headed off to find candy.  I have never seen little man so willing to walk...and we walked...then walked some more...a good hour and a half of Trick-or-Treating.  When he finally gave in to going home, we were both exhausted.  Before even getting into his candy, he was peeling the costume and make-up.  About an hour later, I realized that I did not take even one picture of him in costume.  So, long story short, I have no Halloween pictures to share.

Chaos leads to oopsies.

Do not despair, though...I am sure Michael will gladly dress up as a Zombie sometime soon for photo shoot.

I am working on a website idea to help Cancer patients.  It is a bit bigger then my own web-site building skills, but I think it is a golden idea.  Look for more information in the coming months.