Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Trying To Remember How To Have Fun

New Year's resolutions, to me, seem silly.  Most of us choose dieting, quitting smoking, working out...something productive and positive, only to fold a month later, falling into our old habits.  This year, I was surprised Melissa wanted to go out for New Year's Eve.  I am not sure I can even stay up until Midnight.  That made me think...did Cancer cause us to forget how to have fun?  There is some aspects of adulthood that certainly have that effect, but the drive to seek out and have fun is definitely lacking for me and Melissa.  After the last year of challenges, you could see where fun may have slipped down the priority list some.

So, for my New Years resolution I am going to try to relearn how to have fun.  Focus on enjoying the little things more...a laugh...a good movie...a great song...her smile...playing with my son.  Chances are if I am having more fun, everyone around me is too...that's what I want for the New Year.

Happy New Year Everyone!

2014 here we come!

1 comment:

  1. Hey thank you so much for your lovely comment. I didn't win but I'm still trying to improve my blog every day! And of course I will pop over to your blog, I love to see new bloggers and what they are doing to the blogosphere!
    Beauty Supply
