Monday, June 17, 2013

After the Storm & Father's Day Weekend

Thankfully, our house and yard was not damaged during the storm Thursday, but the power was out.  I planned a yard sale Saturday...and power or not, it was going to happen.  Friday night, with flashlight in hand, I priced our things and staged things for our sale.  Saturday morning (still no power), I hit the ground running and got the sale set up.  We did well...special thanks to Jessica and Chris for donating baked goods (that they stayed up all night to get done).  Little man was a hard pushing salesman too!  After 5 + hours out in the yard, we packed the sale up and relaxed for a bit (still, no power).  As 4 pm approached Friday, I realized we had been without power for 72 hours now....for one short thunderstorm.  I do not mean to gripe, but jeez, I live in a City...there is no excuse for that...but, this is Petersburg.

Father's day was nice.  We did our Sunday ritual breakfast at the Yankee Coffee Shop...Michael was a perfect gentleman and ate like a horse.  I worked to catch up on the house, dishes, and laundry.  The rest of the day was reserved for a favorite past-time of games.  haha....hey, it was FATHER's Day.  We did ride out later in the day to see Papa and Grandma for a bit...but pretty uneventful day.    

This week will go by so fast...Saturday, we leave for San Diego, CA!  

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