Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Getting Ready for Vacation!

The weekend went by way too fast.  Due to power outages and such, I have many things left to do this week to get ready for our trip.

We received the details of our trip.  Just after our trip I will dedicate a post to thanking the many companies that helped and donated services.

I will be posting pictures on Facebook as well as my Instagram account (http://instagram.com/cwbarr01).

I can say, now this close to our trip, I am a bit nervous about our flight.  Last time I flew, I was 8 years old.  My grandmother decided to take the grand kids to Disneyworld.  Back then, I was not the least bit worried about any air plane...I would have rode a camel to Disneyworld at 8 years old....I barely remember the flight, though, I do remember a fuel spill, leading to a delay that caused us to only have hot drinks and peanuts for the flight.  I just remember it being very quick.  This flight will be much longer but I am excited, none-the-less.

It would be nice to see our fundraiser hit it's goal - I think that would translate in some spending money, but I have to say, I am very proud of our success with both financial donations and all the services provided to this wish.  Even we didn't see another donation, things are set up pretty well.  Despite not having much spending money, we will have loads of fun and go many places.  We are very used to shoe-string budgets.

Here is the link to the fundraiser:


http://3littlebirds4life.org/ is just the best organization out there...I mean, sure, there are groups raising money for cures that may or may never come and some who help patients  pay the giant medical bills that would likely kill you if the cancer doesn't...those are great causes too, but these guys are making peoples lives better right now, despite whatever cancer is wreaking havoc on your life, they give you something to be happy about...a wish...and it is powerful medicine.


  1. Hi there.
    I just found your blog, and I want to say, I know exactly what you're going through.

    I mean, exactly.

    In two weeks, my husband will celebrate his sixth "cancer-versary," the anniversary of the day we found out he had stage four astrocytoma (a GBM).

    That was six years ago. And here we are today, with three kids under four, and with no sign of new growth in four years.

    It can be done. You guys can do it.

    Stay strong, Barrs. This isn't the end.

  2. Hello,
    I too just found your blog. First of all, thank you for sharing such a personal story. Second, I also know what your going through, my wife had her brain tumor partially removed almost one year ago. Reading the beginning of your story was especially similar to the experience we had. Sometimes it's just nice to know you're not alone. My wife is doing really well and has just been moved to a 6 month MRI schedule.
    I hope the best for you and your wife.
    Stay strong and love each other endlessly.
